An absolutely terrific piece. A model of how to hit hard while sticking to actual journalism all the way. Very rare. The account leads one to wonder how deep the political dysfunction can go before something really truly gives. Perhaps a re-run of Chicago1968 is just what we need. From the border chaos, to crime and corruption in Chicago, to collapsing public school achievement levels, to mediocrity and antisemitism at Harvard, a long overdue confrontation with elite arrogance and deceit appears to be underway. Interesting how the Pritzker name pops up in it all. My wife and I used to take regular train trips from East Lansing, MI to Chicago for wonderful weekends. Like many tourists we stuck to the loop and a few places just north of it. But even those parts of the city no longer seem inviting. Hope I make it to a new day of renewal. But likely a long way and much turmoil to come before that happens.

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Mary does great work. Consistently. Thank you for your comments.

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